Thursday, March 29, 2012

Connection to the Natural Environment!

Here is a video Nature, Cristy and I made for my natural environment class!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Shins

Have a new album called Port of Morrow and all the songs are magggicccalll. This one I love because it's so much a part of my life right now but they are all good.

Check it!


I'm still alive!

Hello troops!
I know my blog has been suffering lately- not having internet access+heaps of work= little blogging. It's ironic because every class I have is worthy of a blog post- interesting, important, and relevant. Ah, such is life. I can say that I'll be blogging more when I get back to the U.S. which is on April 25th! (well 24th, Bozeman on the 25th!) So I'll be seeing some of you lovely people in a little more than a month and for that I am excited! I'll also be making a long drive from Bozeman to Maine so I'll be seeing some of you that are farther from good old MT as well!

As for now, I am writing papers, doing presentations, reading, and on occasion sleeping. And making Thai curry. Yesterday I did some bush regeneration work for class and learned about the importance and complexity of bringing back the environment once it has been removed. Two other students and I are creating a sustainable community as a part of our final. It's exciting but a lot of work budgeting roads and houses, figuring out water and sewage, getting the energy sustainable, turning a profit, and so much more! Good experience and it feels good to apply some of the knowledge I have been accumulating. I am also writing about Aboriginal education systems and doing another paper on modern rights of passage especially in surf culture. SO that's a little of what I'm up to.

Here are some photographs from my last camping trip!
enjoy and have a lovely day!

figured I should post a picture of Olivea seeing as I have lived with her for almost 2 years... plus Kelly is priceless

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Camping Trip!

Hi guys,
Don't have a ton of time but here are some photos from our last camping trip! It was great fun and we have another one next weekend.

lot's of love always!