Oh man. Life is moving quick. Alight, incase I don't update, I will give you all a basic idea of what I am doing in Italy, I can't wait, and I have so much to do!
We fly into Rome, where we will be for 3 days getting used to, ya know, Italy. We will figure out the metro and eat AMAZING food and rejoice endlessly in the streets. This is HUGE for me because in these three days my list of things to do in life will get much shorter, seeing as we will see the Coliseum, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, and ST. PETER'S BASILICA!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN"T WAIT.
NEXT, we spend 8 days in Lucca where we will have language classes. This is sorta amazing seeing as I don't know Italian and will in general be very confused. I am dreading feeling like an ugly U.S. teen touring and knowing none of the language, so hopefully this will help. Here we have day trips all over, maybe to Florence or Pisa. I love how casually they mention this. "OH yes, if we feel like it, we COULD go to Florence for the day. eeeee!!!!
Than we have our home stays in Treviso for 16 days. I am so excited for this, and really have no idea what to expect!
We than travel to Verona for four days, where we may see some amazing opera or be all outdoor like and hike. YAYA! Than we go to Venice for the last few days of the trip. I can't wait for Venice, what an amazing place to end! I have always always loved the idea of Venice, but will most likely feel like I am in a murder novel, seeing as I have read so many set in Venice!
I am back on the 4th of August! So expect an update shortly after than if I don't post in Italy.
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