Saturday, April 14, 2012

Global Warming and May 5th

Hello everyone,
I know I've been off the blog for a bit but I'm back! I feel totally overwhelmed by all the things I could post about, but I thought I'd start with this: and May 5th action!

I don't know how to start describe the importance of the environment or how we are negatively impacting the planet. We need the earth for food, shelter, water, in fact without it we would not be alive. Not only that but we need a world that had weather that will allow us to live on it. This is hard when floods are increasing with sea levels, CO2 emissions are till rocketing, the oceans are being more acidic, our oxygen-producing forests are being turned into cutting boards at alarming rates, and droughts and fires are becoming more and more welcome. How can we plant our crops when there is no predictable weather pattern? How can we build our houses for our families when we don't know if we will be under water in three months or out of water all together? Even if we do have water, it may just be flammable! (gasland) Our world is changing- it already has.

Now, Bill McKibben is a probably one of the best known environmentalists and he has been writing and speaking out for our good old earth for quite some time. He has written loads of books, most recent and horrifyingly important being Eaarth, a book about how global warming has already impacted and continues to impact our lives in irreversible and uncontrollable ways. He is one of the amazing team that make up, a website dedicated to environmental activism and education.

First, please read Eaarth- I can't think of anything you could read that is more important than this book.

Second please check out Below is a video that McKibben put up about fighting the government on oil subsidies.

Finally, the title of this post- as you may see on, has to do with what is happening on May 5th. On May 5th people are rising up, connecting the dots, and speaking out against the coal and oil industry. This video says it all.

Here is a petition to sign if you are interested. Stay active, stay aware, stay informed. is also a part of the 99% spring- it's going to be a big summer for us all!

Without an earth to live on that we CAN live on not much else matter- it's not political, it's not hippie, it's not something to be ignored!

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