Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Band Crush: The Kooks

Many years ago when I was a wee child I discovered the Kooks. Well, not really. But it was still a good four or five years ago. I danced around to Naive, I learned (a very basic) Seaside on guitar. Then I sorta forgot about them. Then I rediscovered them.  Mhhm. I enjoy The Kooks. They are english, have good lyrics, and so damn catchy! Their influences include Dylan and The Beatles and Mason Jennings. Of course I like them. As a side note, I am developing a theory that all four letter K bands are accented and fun to bop around to. Kinks, Kooks, ye? The biggest obstacle I have encountered in this theory in Korn. But you COULD bop around to Korn.... sorta? Like head banging is another form of bopping? And they COULD have accents... they scream a lot. It's hard to tell. ANYWAYS, doesn't matter. Here, Have a Kooks video to bop to. Sorry I can't find one with a real video, but here's a song at least.

FUNFACT: They decided to form a band when shopping because they found outfits and hats that they thought would be spiffy. They then proceeded to book their first gig without a demo. How? Because the guy booking them liked their hats. So I guess the plan worked. They didn't play the gig though... they were recording their demo.

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