Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Plenty of Fish in the Sea?

One more issue I have been learning about in the realm of the oceans is something we have all hear about over light dinner conversations and maybe read a article about in the New York Times but don't give much thought to- overfishing. Overfishing is a huge issue, in fact if we continue to consume fish at the rate we are now there will be no fish in the sea by 2048. That isn't as far off as it seems and the numbers keep going up. The truth is we don't always think about where our food comes from and our fish is no exception. Maybe because the ocean is so vast or maybe because less people are directly dependent on it we assume that the sea is an endless resource. It's not. If you want to learn more about it and what kinds of fish you should and shouldn't eat please please watch End Of The Line. My roommate actually know one of the guys who helped make it and it is a well done film that explains a complicated situation well.

If you want to look at a more case specific film check out The Cove. This film is also mind blowing, it's about the dolphin meat industry and where that meat ends up. Check out these videos and think about where your fish and really all your food comes from. We vote with our dollar and our dollar buys us dinner so vote wisely!

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